
Sunday, October 2, 2011


Hey sorry I've been gone for awhile, Two years of college sort of got in the way, good news though I got a new blog (with blogger) at

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Say hello to Burt, he's dead, has been for sometime, not sure how we know his name is Burt, we only met him after he died and he is unable to speak.

Friday, March 25, 2011

No Jokes

This is my newest style change, well more like amount-of-details-I-wish-to-draw-in-one-portrait change, anyways, just some practice for future commissions.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Violence is Everywhere

This was a project for my publication design class, it's for a fictional art collective called "Art and Issues" We needed to pick an issue and use expressive type to convey the message. My message was stop hasslin' video game violence and worry about the real world stuff, also there's no substantial link between violent games and violent kids, at least that's what the newspaper said.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Into the Evil Beast

It has been some time since I had posted anything, since I have been beaten to death by school, since I will be redesigning this blog soon, I figured I put up something a little more recent than December 2010, this is a piece for a gallery show at the end of the week, the theme is "inspired by music" this is essentially inspired by EVERY Dragonforce song I have ever heard.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Gamer Health

This was a spot illustration for a school assignment, it's featured with an add about a healthy lifestyle being unhealthy for you, it's not a very serious article.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bed Monster

There is no such thing as bogeymen only giant monsters.

Fred and Fred 11

Two creepy little guys just shooting the breeze

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fred and Fred 10

Two creepy little guys just shooting the breeze

Mud Puddle

A self promo type mark illustration originally intended as the header of this blog, perhaps I will use it again some day.