This is a new table top papercraft game I am currently working on. I may decided to make a separate website or blog for it where anyone can picture up the layouts to make their own but I suppose i should finish it first.
This is a piece I have been working on for a friend of mine of her and her room mate as super heroes. What their super hero names are escape me but I'll probably need them to finish this up :S.
This was one of my final projects for college, it was for my typography class. We had to create an alphabet book using different things to convey each letter in a unique way. For mine I chose robots in the context of a children's book. I did a total of 26 completely vectored illustrations. I'll be fixing it up and trying to send it off to a publisher
I just received my printed cards from Staples today, they turned out darker than I planned but that seems to always happen, so I guess that something I should work on in the future, also I thought they were going to print on actual card stock instead of cheap photo paper.
This is another college project I did this year after visiting several locations in Winnipeg I choose 2 sketches and 2 photos from the trip and creature four watercolors. These are my favorite two I did and I didn't scan the others before I mounted them.
In honor of my favorite superhero, I decided to do a series of sketch cards based on the villains of Batman. I included some of my favorites like Scarface, scarecrow and Black mask. Most of the cards I did in pencil and ink, I also did a few in watercolor, and three extra larger paintings (that were failed attempts at cards).
During my last month of college our group went to Chicago for a week to relax and study art and architecture there. The students that couldn't go stayed here in Winnipeg and did sketches around the city. This piece is of a slightly disturbing exhibit that has fascinated me since I was a kid. Its on natural decomposers of the forest featuring a variety of flesh eating insects and fungi, thankfully not many people find this display as it is tucked away in a dark corner of the Manitoba museum.
I used two species of sprite creatures I imagined up to create two unique postcards that I plan to send off to anyone who wants one. After sketching them on watercolor paper I painted them and fix them up in photoshop. If people like them enough I might do a few more and create a series.
This painting was originally the VERY last sketchbook assignment I did for my first year of college, I decided that instead of half-assing one I would do something a bit more developed. The idea behind the painting is the first signs of spring, since the Yellow warbler is considered a spring bird, I choose to render a super cute version of one and paint it. The lines are done with ball point pen, just in-case you need to know (They work well with watercolors as ballpoint ink is not water soluble). After I got it back I framed it and am going to give it to my girlfriend.
Second year graphic design students do a skateboard project for illustration class. In our first year we had a sketchbook assignment where we were supposed to plan ahead for it. This was my design involving puppets it's called "cut your strings".
Leech in a glass are little comic strips I filled my first semester college sketchbook with in order to pass some time (In the end they go me bonus marks!). I made eight in total and will be posting them once a week, or so.
This short comic took me two days of labor but was all worth it. With that said its very sloppy and hastily done, but its depicting an inside joke between tom and I and our group of friends. You see Thomas is a crazy guy and a crazy driver, he can find his way around traffic like no one else I know. We all thought it be hilarious if his car had gadgets to help him do that and this is one of them. MATURE LANGUAGE WARNING!!
I can't say this project was recent but not that long ago the blog Super punch started doing a call for illustrators to create a deck of unique tarot cards. Though I wasn't one of the artists chosen for a main card I sent a design in anyway and it was posted. The hermit represents withdrawal or hastiness.